Acknowledged Rehomers

We are proud to work with HRNZ to rehome Standardbred horses as HERO educators and to be acknowledged rehomers with NZTR for Thoroughbred horses. If you are an owner or trainer of a horse who needs to be retired from race work, please get in touch!

Which horses can come?

Only horses retiring directly from racework are eligible for rehoming. We are happy to accept personal TBs or SBs through sale on behalf or training services. Horses must be sound and fit for work, in good condition, and all current or previous health issues must be disclosed. Please understand we are not a rehabilitation service and are also not able to rehome horses with significant behavioural problems.

What do we need from you?

Mostly, honesty! As much information as you can provide on your horse’s history and the assurance that they will be sent in good condition. Some owners wish to donate feed or covers, these are gratefully accepted but are not necessary. You will need to get your horse to us, we are happy to help you arrange transport at your expense.

What do we provide?

We do our best to ensure your horse develops good foundations for life as a pleasure riding horse or sport horse. We are careful in our rehoming process, we won’t just sell them on to anyone. New owners have to be suitable, knowledgeable and must provide a home with other horses. We also share photo and video all over our Facebook page throughout the rehoming process so you can watch how your horse is doing.